Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ranch Ropin'

One of the greatest things about living on a ranch is the lifestyle.  We don't spend a lot of money going to the movie theatre or fancy restaurants...because that's not us.  Our entertainment is centered around the outdoors and enjoying ranching and all that is associated with it.  That's why a pasture roping is such great entertainment for the whole family.  Cody gets his roping in, I can take pictures and Hallie gets to play outside.  Last weekend we did just that.  I practiced shooting on FULL MANUAL (yes, I said FULL MANUAL) which was quite a feat in my quest to become a photographer.  The photos I ended up with after the editing process vary significantly, but I couldn't quite decide which way I wanted to go with them.  The result is a bit "hodge podge", nevertheless enjoy.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Swim Time :)

Summer in Texas is HOT and there is nothing like a little dip in the pool to cool things off. While attending a work meeting in San Marcos, Hallie and I decided to do just that. I continue to expose her to the water hoping she will develop as great of an affection for it as I have. Most of our time at the pool, however, was spent chasing the little "toot" around the perimeter all the while struggling to keep up. All and all, we had a fun time and I do have to admit Hallie looks much better in her swimsuit than I do in mine!