Friday, November 29, 2013

I'm Back...and with new BABY in tow...

After a long sporadic hiatus from my photography blog, (and a looooong pregnancy) I am finally back and ready to blog.  We welcomed precious Sadie Brynn on October 15th and she has sparked a new inspiration in my photography.  Being a "natural light only" photographer, I felt limited on what I could do indoors.  However, the main goal was to capture just a few sweet poses, and that I did.  Nothing fancy, but simple.  Hope to share even more in the days and weeks to come.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"Quannah" Parker

I have to admit, I have recently failed my desire to be a regular photography blogger.  Perhaps the fact that I have been pregnant (thus tired, sick, etc.), raising a toddler, working full time and moving out of my house temporarily have all been to blame on my lapse is posting.

However, I have still been taking photographs (although not quite as many) and plan to pick back up when I have a new little subject this fall.  :)

I'd like to share a few pictures I took a couple of months ago of my sweet little niece Parker.  I have to admit her mom was the brains behind the shoot, I just showed up with my camera and big fancy lens.  The pictures turned out great, but at a cost...I found out the hard way that you CAN recover deleted pictures from a memory card, but it is not cheap.  SO, my advice would be to double, triple check that all have loaded onto the computer before deleting them.

Nevertheless, here is my big reveal (2 months later) of the little indian princess (minus the dark complexion and hair) "Quannah" Parker.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Special Senior

This young lady was so much fun to photograph and equally as fun to spend time with.  She was such a trooper.  Our photo shoot was just short of being rained out, but with a little time and patience the evening turned out wonderfully.  This was a special shoot not only because it was my very first senior shoot, but also because I think so highly of this young lady and her mom (whom I work with).  I hope the photographs turned out as good as they had hoped...I just had to share a few of my favorites.

Also, a big "shout out" to my mom and sister who helped me create my new watermark...with my design inspiration or course.  ;)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Daylight Come, Daylight Go...Down at the Y Bar O

Spring works is my absolute favorite time of year on the ranch.  Especially days that I am on the payroll!  You just can't beat the vast wide open spaces and untouched countryside seen from atop a horse.  Breathing in the cool morning air and the hearing the sound of the cowboys spurs as they jingle...all reasons why I love living on a ranch.  I will say that ranch work is not for the faint of heart...and you better be all in if you head out to round-up that morning because more than likely you will end up miles from the house and you don't head home until that days task is complete.  It certainly takes a special person to be a rancher...a good combination of cow sense, love for the country and manuel labor...and that is what makes them so special!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Carnival Time in West Texas

I must admit the carnival wasn't nearly as nostalgic as it was at age 13.  Partially because now that I am a mom, I stayed busy assessing the safety of each ride and making sure I hadn't seen any of the Carnies' photos on America's Most Wanted.  I was in fact a little disappointed that this particular carnival seemed so small (how can you have a carnival without a ferris wheel???), however it might be because my fondest memories as a child have faded away.  Or perhaps it was the fact that the wind was blowing
about 90 miles an hour and I was constantly dodging clouds of dust while trying to protect my expensive camera equipment.

My disappointment, however was quickly replaced with joy as I watched the magic in little Hallie's eyes.  After all, isn't that what the carnival is all about???  At first, she seemed a little unsure, but after completing her first ride, she was hooked.  I have to report that this confirmed the fact that we have a little daredevil on our hands...I mean how many kids take their 1st roller coster ride in a diaper?

All and all, it was a fun family evening and while the carnival has a little bit different meaning to me now a days, I am already looking forward to taking Hallie back again next year.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sister Sister

Thats right folks, it's that time a year...the annual "Paclik" sister spring break photo shoot.  I had big expectations for this year's photo shoot, however it was cut a bit short for lets just say...reasons beyond our control.  Nevertheless, it was fun and fabulous as usual.  Enjoy!  :)