Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"Quannah" Parker

I have to admit, I have recently failed my desire to be a regular photography blogger.  Perhaps the fact that I have been pregnant (thus tired, sick, etc.), raising a toddler, working full time and moving out of my house temporarily have all been to blame on my lapse is posting.

However, I have still been taking photographs (although not quite as many) and plan to pick back up when I have a new little subject this fall.  :)

I'd like to share a few pictures I took a couple of months ago of my sweet little niece Parker.  I have to admit her mom was the brains behind the shoot, I just showed up with my camera and big fancy lens.  The pictures turned out great, but at a cost...I found out the hard way that you CAN recover deleted pictures from a memory card, but it is not cheap.  SO, my advice would be to double, triple check that all have loaded onto the computer before deleting them.

Nevertheless, here is my big reveal (2 months later) of the little indian princess (minus the dark complexion and hair) "Quannah" Parker.